Required Namespace
  • Ness
    • System
      • View

You can include this library to your code file by typing the below code;

use Ness\System\View

About Views #top

Views are html pages that can be loaded by a controller, you can not directly redirect your application to a view file. Ness PHP stores view files in a folder called 'View'. You can create sub folders in view folder if you want to seperate parts of your application.

Render a View #top

Render command can be used to create a view from php view file and load to browser screen.

$this->View->Render(string $prm_file,boolean $isusual = true);
Return a view to user.
Return Object
Parameters $prm_file String; View's file name which is located in 'View' path
$isusual Boolean; *optional. If your view is not located in 'View' directory.

Render Content #top

Render command can be also used for rendering string messages to browser screen.

$this->Content->Render(string $prm);
Return a view to user.
Return Object
Parameters $prm String; Value to print

Check if a View is Available #top

This command is used to check if a view file is available, returns true if file is found.

$this->View->isAvailable(string $prm_file,boolean $isusual = true);
Check if view file is available
Return Boolean
Parameters $prm_file String; View's file name which is located in 'View' path
$isusual Boolean; *optional. If your view is not located in 'View' directory.

Transfer Values Between Controller/View #top

Let's say you have a indexController.php controller in your controller directory, and you want to set a variable in your view file. There is lots of methods to do that like ObjectMapper of Ness framework, but in classic way you need to define a variable in your view file;

<?= $this->sayhello; ?>
And in your controller;

class indexController extends Ness\Controller{

    public function IndexAction($param=0)
            $this->View->sayhello = "Hello World :)"; 

Examples #top

Check if View file is available

will look for Application/View/home/index.php

Check if view file is anywhere else
$this->View->isAvailable("test_folder\index.php", false);
will look for Application/test_folder/index.php

Load if view exists

    $this->Content->Render("View Not Found");