Ness PHP FTP Class
Required Namespace
  • Ness
    • Tool
      • FTP

You can include this library to your code file by typing the below code;

use Ness\Tool\FTP

About FTP Class #top

You can use Ness framework's ftp class to connect ftp servers.

Available Methods #top

$myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Initialize ftp class
Return Object
Parameters $host String; FTP Host
$user String; User Account
$password String; Password
$port Integer; Port
$timeout Integer; connection time out, default 100

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Connect ftp class
Return Boolean
Parameters None

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
        //Ftp action1
        //Ftp action2
        //Ftp action3

Close a ftp connection
Return Void
Parameters None

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
        //Ftp action1
    echo $myftp->Error();
        //Ftp action2
    echo $myftp->Error();
        //Ftp action3
    echo $myftp->Error();
Return last Error
Return String
Parameters None

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
    $myftp->Download("C:\downloads\readme.txt", public_html\w\read_.txt);
Download a file from ftp server.
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; Local directory for file
$parm2 String; Remote firectory of file

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Upload a file to ftp server.
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; Remote firectory of file Local directory for file
$parm2 String; Local directory for file

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Rename a file.
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; Directory with old file name
$parm2 String; Directory with new file name

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Delete a file.
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; Directory with file name

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
    echo $myftp->FileSize("public_html\w\read_.txt");
Size of file.
Return Float
Parameters $param1 String; Directory with file name

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Delete a directory
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; Directory name

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
    var_dump( $myftp->DirectoryList("public_html\web_app")); 
Directory Listing
Return Array
Parameters $param1 String; Directory name

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
Create a new directory on ftp server.
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; New directory name

    $myftp = new Ness\Tool\FTP($host,$user,$password, $port= 21, $timeout);
    $myftp->SetPermission("public_html\web_app\test.html", 747);
Change permission for file.
Return Boolean
Parameters $param1 String; Directory/File name
$param2 Integer; Permission