- Ness
- Forms
- Form
- Forms
- FormElements
- Forms
You can include this library to your code file by typing the below code;
use Ness\Forms\Form
use Ness\Forms\FormElements
About Forms #top
Ness PHP form is used to get data from user and send the data to model or controller. You can simply create forms and attach a model class to that form to manage user input. Form class is generally used in view files to fill a model class with user inputs.
Define A New Form #top
Create a form
$register->DefineForm(Array $attr = null) : String
$attr: Form attributes
Set Model #top
If you did not want to set model in form definition you can set it with this function.
$register->setModel(String $model = "") : void
$model: Model class name
Set Element #top
Add input or other elements to your form
$register->setElement(String $element = "") : String
$element: A form elemnt. You can use FormElements Class
Finish Form #top
All forms started with DefineForm must end with FinishForm
$register->FinishForm() : String
$relatedModel: Model Class Name to manage input
$attr: Form attributes
Call a function #top
Call a function in a model after form posted.
$register->Call(String $functionName) : String
$functionName: Name of function in model class to run after form posted.
Example #top
Let's say you need the username, email and password of your user for registration. You need to crate a UserModel and a register form for that.
use Ness\UI\Page;
use Ness\Forms\Form;
use Ness\Forms\FormElements;
$view = new Page();
$register = new Form();
echo $register->DefineForm(array("class"=>"form-group", "method"=>"POST"));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::Label("E-mail", "email"));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::TextBox("email", array("class"=>"form-control")));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::Label("Username", "username"));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::TextBox("username", array("class"=>"form-control")));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::Label("Password", "password"));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::Password("password", array("class"=>"form-control")));
echo $register->setElement(FormElements::Submit("UserModel", array("class"=>"btn btn-success")));
$view->EndContent(); ?>
use Ness\Autopulse\Autopulse;
use Ness\Autopulse\MySqlConnect;
class UserModel
public $username;
public $email;
public $password;
public function SaveUser()
$con = new mysqlconnect("localhost","root","","papp");
$myUser = array("username" => $this->username,
"email"=> $this->email,
"password"=> $this->password);
echo "< h1> User Registration Completed h1>";
echo "< h1> User Registration ERROR h1>";

FormElements Class
Create TextBox input element in your form.
FormElements::TextBox (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Submit input element in your form.
FormElements::FileUpload (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Password input element in your form.
FormElements::Password (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Submit input element in your form.
FormElements::Submit (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Reset input element in your form.
FormElements::Reset (Array $attrb ) : String
Create Radio input element in your form.
FormElements::Radio (String $fieldName, String $value, Array $attrb ) : String
Create Checkbox input element in your form.
FormElements::Checkbox (String $fieldName, String $value, Array $attrb ) : String
Create Button input element in your form.
FormElements::Button (String $fieldName, String $value, Array $attrb ) : String
Create ColorDialog input element in your form.
FormElements::ColorDialog (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create DateSelect input element in your form.
FormElements::DateSelect (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Email input element in your form.
FormElements::Email (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Month input element in your form.
FormElements::Month (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Numeric input element in your form.
FormElements::Numeric (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Email input element in your form.
FormElements::SearchBox (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Phone input element in your form.
FormElements::Phone (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Url input element in your form.
FormElements::Url (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Time input element in your form.
FormElements::Time (String $fieldName,Array $attrb ) : String
Create Label element in your form.
FormElements::Label (String $text,String $labelFor ,Array $attrb ) : String
CSRF Protection
For enabling csrf protection on your forms please add csrfField tag to your form. Below is a example for using a csrf protection field in your form.
FormElements::csrfField() : String
use Ness\UI\Page;
use Ness\Url as pUrl;
use Ness\Forms\Form;
use Ness\Forms\FormElements;
$view = new Page();
$view->SetParameter("pageHeader", "TEST PAGE");
echo "User Login";
$frm = new Form("register");
echo $frm->DefineForm(array("method"=>"POST"));
echo $frm->setElement(FormElements::csrfField());
echo $frm->setElement(FormElements::TextBox("username", array("class"=>"form-control", "placeholder"=>"Username")));
echo $frm->setElement(FormElements::Password("pwd", array("class"=>"form-control", "placeholder"=>"****")));
echo $frm->FinishForm();
XSS Protection
You can use setProtected(true) function for enabling or disabling XSS protection enabled, by default it is enabled.
$frm = new Form("testform");
$status TRUE | FALSE
Example use in forms
use Ness\UI\Page;
use Ness\Url as pUrl;
use Ness\Forms\Form;
use Ness\Forms\FormElements;
$view = new Page();
$view->SetParameter("pageHeader", "TEST PAGE");
echo "User Login";
$frm = new Form("register");
echo $frm->DefineForm(array("method"=>"POST"));
$frm->setProtected(TRUE); // $frm->setProtected(FALSE);
echo $frm->setElement(FormElements::csrfField());
echo $frm->setElement(FormElements::TextBox("username", array("class"=>"form-control", "placeholder"=>"Username")));
echo $frm->setElement(FormElements::Password("pwd", array("class"=>"form-control", "placeholder"=>"****")));
echo $frm->FinishForm();