Connecting & Using Other Databases
Required Namespace
  • Ness
    • Autopulse
      • dbConnect
  • Ness
    • Autopulse
      • dbCommand

You can include this library to your code file by typing the below code;

use Ness\Autopulse\dbConnect

use Ness\Autopulse\dbCommand

dbConnect Class #top

Create a Connection

You can create your connection in construct when you define your database variable.

                                    $connection = new dbConnect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $options);
Create a new connection
Return Object
Parameters $host String; Connection Host
$user String; Username of connection
$pass String; Password for connection
$db String; Database name
$options Array Optional;PHP PDO Options

Connection Source

This function is used to return an active database connection.

Get an active connection for using with dbConnect class.
Return PDO Connection
Parameters None

Check Connection

Check if connection is available

Check for active connection
Return Boolean
Parameters None

Error List

Show last connection errors.

Check for last connection error
Return String
Parameters None

Reconnect to Database

Reconnect to active database.

                                    $connection->Connection($host, $user, $pass, $db, $options);
Create a new connection
Return Object
Parameters $host String; Connection Host
$user String; Username of connection
$pass String; Password for connection
$db String; Database name
$options Array Optional;PHP PDO Options

Close an Active COnnection

Close connection to active database.

Close a connection
Return Boolean
Parameters None

dbCommand Class #top

Create Command
$cmd = new dbCommand(String $command, dbConnect | MySqlConnect  $source);
You need create an instance of dbCommand library for your commands. You can define your command when creating a dbCommand instance
Return Command Object
Parameters $command String; Command to run
$source Connection Source; MySqlConnect or dbConnect connection source; ex: $connection->Source();

                                $cmd = new dbCommand("select * from db", $mysqlconnection->Source());

Set Parameters
$cmd->SetParameter(  String  $param,  String   $value,  $type = null)
This function is used when you use parameterized queries.
Return Void
Parameters $param String; Parameter id
$value Type; Parameter value
$type PDO Parameter type;PDO::Parameter_TYPE.

    $cmd = new dbCommand("select * from user where status=:status",$myconnnection->Source());
    $cmd->setParameter(":status", "active");
    $data = $cmd->FetchAll();

Fetch All
Fetch all records from returned query
Return Array
Parameters None

Fetch a single record from returned query
Return Array
Parameters None

Count Rows
Count affected rows
Return Integer
Parameters None

Last Inserted Id
Return last inserted id
Return Integer
Parameters None

Execute a Command
Execute the command in constructor.
Return Array
Parameters None